What is a struggling learner?

A struggling learner is, well....struggling. You have tried many different teaching strategies and plans, but none of them seem to work. You know it is time to try something different, but where do you start?

Can I really help my child?

Yes! You know your child. You know his or her history. You have cried over the mountain of hard work and energy you see put forth. You know what has worked and what hasn't. Who better, but YOU? We are here to help and advise you.

What can you give me?

I can give you the knowledge I've gleaned over the last 30 years as a teacher, tutor, and learning specialist. After a free consultation call, I'll send you a questionnaire that helps you determine the areas that need help. I will then observe and write a plan for what your child needs to correct areas of concern.

What if I don't have time to implement this?

We don't all have the time we wish we did to spend with each child. I also provide online tutoring if you would prefer me to work with your child and implement the plan.


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