One in five people are diagnosed with dyslexia.  

Dyslexia, though a more modern term, is really quite common.  It describes a person who is 2 or more years behind in their reading level.   You would be amazed at the many famous people that were diagnosed with this struggle.  They are the innovators and entrepreneurs that you admire.  Malcolm Gladwell in David and Goliath states that they are the kids in school that knew how to pass a class in creative ways.  They are resourceful and know how to make things happen.  You'll recognize these names....Edgar Allen Poe, Magic Johnson, Alexander Bell, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Ford, Orlando Bloom.  Go to this site to find more!

David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants 

Read Malcolm Gladwell's book for an insight on how to use your perceived weaknesses as an asset.

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